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Episode 9 Of Season 11 Dedicated To Late Actor

The Walking Dead Pays Tribute to Stephen Campbell

Episode 9 of Season 11 Dedicated to Late Actor

Memorial Honors Beloved Crew Member

In a touching tribute, the creators of AMC's "The Walking Dead" dedicated the ninth episode of season 11 to the memory of Stephen Campbell, a beloved crew member who passed away recently.

The episode, titled "No Other Way," featured a heartfelt message at the beginning honoring Campbell's life and legacy. The tribute acknowledged his dedication to the show and the impact he had on both the cast and crew.

Stephen Campbell, a native of West Orange, New Jersey, was born on October 23, 1956. His involvement in the entertainment industry spanned several decades, with notable contributions to films such as "The Karate Kid" and television series like "24" and "ER."

Campbell's contributions to "The Walking Dead" were equally significant. He served as a key member of the production team, playing an instrumental role in bringing the show's characters and storylines to life. His colleagues and friends have praised him for his exceptional work ethic, passion, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

The dedication in "No Other Way" is a testament to the profound impact that Stephen Campbell had on the "The Walking Dead" family. It serves as a lasting reminder of his exceptional talent and the cherished memories that he has left behind.
